CA: 0x79D1D7ca7Aa023f291Af2A3E72bffD7D2Ab67Ca3On November 9th, 1970, NASA embarked on a unique mission that marked a
historic first for the space agency. Aboard a small satellite, two bullfrogs
were sent into space as part of the Frog Otolith Experiment, a study to
investigate how weightlessness affects the vestibular system responsible for
balance. Completely unaware of their groundbreaking role, the frogs became
pioneers of space biology on this one-way journey, contributing valuable
insights into the effects of zero gravity on living organisms.
Now, in a twist of fate, $BROG is here to take over the crypto space, hopping
into the market as the next big trend, ready to disrupt the financial
ecosystem with their leap into digital currencies.